Mirriam-Webster defines 'astrology' as "the divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects." Since the latest theory is that the universe is expanding (and has been since its genesis), it's reasonable to assume that the position of the stars and planets never repeat. That is, their positions are ever-changing and never the same.
So if astrology assesses the 'influences' that affect our lives and the planets have been constantly changing positions since one's birth, the idea of 'biorhythms' has merit. Biorhythms (again according to Mirriam Webster) are " innately determined rhythmic biological process[es] or function[s]..." or " the internal mechanism that determines such a process or function."
Simply stated, biorhythms use your birth date and cycles of emotional, physical and intellectual states to map how you will feel on any given date. Okay, seems logical so far.
* * *
For the past week, I've been feeling particularly tired. Sleeping almost ten hours per night has not helped. I've dragged, been lethargic, and generally a slug without the energy to be more.
At the same time, my mind has been racing. I'm exploring concepts, wondering about interesting topics, mentally picturing complex 3D suspension designs (a current passion), solving Sudoku puzzles, reading heady stuff (Kerouac, Kafka, Danielewski's House of Leaves)...
On a whim, I checked my biorhythm today:
So, for the past week, I've been (according to my biorhythm) in a physical low and nearing an intellectual high.